For Your Eyes Only

For Your Eyes Only
एकेक रेषा जोडत सुष्टी सुरेख रूप घेते आणि आपल्यासाठी मूक मार्गदर्शन करते. वेगाने ध्येयाकडे झेपावण्यासाठी प्रोत्साहन देण्याच किती विलक्षण सामर्थ्य आहे या रेषात !

My Way

Microsoft CEO

Microsoft Corp Chief Executive Ballmer, 55, got a bonus of $682,500 for the latest fiscal year, matching his annual salary, according to a filing with securities regulators on Monday. Under his bonus scheme, he was eligible to receive between zero and double his salary. The long-time CEO, who took over from Bill Gates in 2000, has been a lightning rod for criticism of the former technology leader's static share price. One prominent shareholder called for his ouster this year, but he shows no signs of stepping down.
Last year, Ballmer also received a bonus equaling his salary, and was faulted for the failure of the Kin phone and keeping up with new forms of computing.Microsoft's latest filing said Ballmer's performance review for fiscal 2011 -- which ended June 30 -- took into account lower than expected sales of Windows Phone 7 software and "the need for further progress in new form factors," a reference to Microsoft's inability to counter runaway sales of Apple Inc's iPad.
Ballmer has long requested that he receive no stock compensation, which might otherwise boost his pay packet. He already owns 3.95 percent of the company's shares and is the 33rd richest person in the world with a fortune of $14.5 billion, according to Forbes.
Overall, Ballmer's compensation rose only about 2 percent from last year to $1.38 million, making him one of the lowest-paid leaders of a major U.S. company.
Microsoft's filing pegs Ballmer's maximum possible compensation -- if he had received twice his salary in bonus -- at about $2 million, compared to an average of $15.8 million for CEOs of peer companies. In the filing, Microsoft said its board believes Ballmer is "underpaid for his role and performance," but accepted his request to receive no stock.