For Your Eyes Only

For Your Eyes Only
एकेक रेषा जोडत सुष्टी सुरेख रूप घेते आणि आपल्यासाठी मूक मार्गदर्शन करते. वेगाने ध्येयाकडे झेपावण्यासाठी प्रोत्साहन देण्याच किती विलक्षण सामर्थ्य आहे या रेषात !

My Way

Heart Star


Cute Candle

Christmas Tree

Happy Diwali

तंत्र आणि मंत्र तोडगे Tantra & Mantra

सर्व प्रकारचे अचूक प्रभावी तोडगे घरपोच मिळतील तंत्र आणि मंत्रा सहित 
संपर्क साधा 

All Problems & Tension
Find Solution
Call Me Now For Detail Answer
Mantra & Tantra Powerful Effect Immediately


Today 's Thought

Never say you are happy when you are sad,
Never say you are fine when you are not okay
Never say you feel good when you feel bad
& Never say you are alone when I'm still alive

Independence Day


The Indian Govt has just Announced the Symbol for Rupee currency and It will take almost one year to implement the same in all over the world as there are many regulatory requirement involved in implementation .However I have found a trick from the net by which you can start using the Rupee symbol from now .It is very easy to use the trick .Trick is developed by Foradian Technologies  .
steps To Install the Rupee symbol.
How to use ?
1. Download the above attached font Rupee.ttf or the new version Rupee_Foradian.ttf
2. Install the font. (It is easy. Just copy the font and paste it in "Fonts" folder in control panel)
3. Start using it. :)

download the Rupee Firadian.ttf

How to type the Rupee symbol ?
Rupee symbol mapped the grave acent symbol - ` (the key just above "tab" button in your keyboard) with the new Rupee symbol. Just select "Rupee" font from the drop down list of your fonts in your application and press the key just above your tab button. It will display our new rupee symbol. Try it.

The "Rupee.ttf" font is necessary to view the currency symbol. So as long as the new symbol is not encoded in to unicode font by default, we cant use the symbol universally.means if you type the symbol in your letter and send to other person but the receiver has not installed the font then he can not see the rupee symbol

Thought For A Day

there are two eternities that can really break you down. yesterday & tomorrow one is gone & the other doesn't exist. - so live today

Thought For A Day

"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and its better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring."

Thought For A Day

Talent wins games, but Teamwork & Intelligence wins championships - JORDEN MICHAEL

India's New Currency Symbol

The new symbol of the Indian rupee is seen in this handout photograph after it was approved by India’s cabinet July 15. India’s cabinet on Thursday approved the adoption of the new symbol after holding a competition that drew more than 3,000 entries, which were evaluated by a deputy governor of the central bank as well as artists and designers.

सुटीतील टाईमपास

मुलांसाठी सुटीतील टाईमपास

फनॉलॉजी डॉट कॉम! जादुचे प्रयोग, विज्ञानातील खेळ, मेंदूला चालना देणारे छोटे गेम्स, ज्ञानात भर घालेल अशी माहिती ‘व्हॅकी फॅक्ट्स’ या सेक्शनमध्ये मिळेल.

बॉब द बिल्डर या सुप्रसिद्ध कार्टून कॅरेक्टरची ही वेबसाईट. बॉब नवनवीन गोष्टी बांधायला शिकवेल उदा. मैदान बांधण्यासाठी कोणकोणते साहित्या लागते, कोणकोणत्या स्टेप्स असतात हे सांगितल्यानंतर योग्य साहित्य निवडून ठरवून दिलेली स्टेप पूर्ण करायची. असे विविध प्रोजेक्ट्स यात आहेत. शिवाय रंग भरण्यासाठी विविध पोस्टर्सदेखील

नासा किड्स क्लब टाईमपास गेम्समधून अंतराळाची रहस्यमय सफर स्मरणशक्ती वाढवणारे छोटे-छोटे गेम्स

सीझम स्ट्रीट विविध कार्टून कॅरेक्टर्ससोबत धमाल गेम्ससोबतच सीझम प्लेलिस्ट्स या विशेष सेक्शन मधून पर्यावरणाचे महत्त्व, एकमेकांची काळजी घेणे असे विषय

गेम्स आवडत नसतील तर विविध पझल्स साईट यातील विशेष सेक्शनमध्ये खास तयार केलेली शब्दकोडी, सुडोकू, संख्याकोडी तुम्हाला पाहायला मिळतील. या कोड्यांचे प्रिंट आऊट काढून देऊ शकता.
Welcome to the Death Clock(TM), the Internet's friendly reminder that life is slipping away... second by second. Like the hourglass of the Net, the Death Clock will remind you just how short life is.


पैशाचे नाव अर्थ पण तो करतो मोठा अनर्थ.
जगात काही अजरामर नाही तुमच्या चिंता सुद्धा. 
हृदयाची श्रीमंती नसेल तर कुबेर सुद्धा भिकारी राहतो. 
स्वप्ने प्रत्यक्षात यायला हवी असतील तर झोपून राहू नका.
जास्त मिळवायचे असेल तर मुळात अपेक्षा कमी मिळवण्याची ठेवा.
मृत्यू नेहमी समीप आहे धरून चालावे त्यामुळे मन वैराग्याकडे वळते.
अहंकार आणि लोभ हे माणसाच्या जीवनातील सर्वात मोठे दुख आहे.
यशस्वी व्हायचं असेल तर कल्पना नव्हे तर प्रत्यक्ष कृतीच मदत करतात
सततच्या वापराने जिची धार वाढतच जाते अशी एकमेव सुरी जीभ
आपले प्रत्येक कृत्य हे आयुष्यातले शेवटचे कृत्य आहे असे समजून 
वागत जा
आयुष्यात निचित काही मिळवायचे असल्यास साहस असावयास पाहिजे.
शांतता बाहेर सापडणे कठीण आहे कारण ती आपल्या आतच दडलेली असते.
मनुष्यला आपल्या दारिद्याची लाज वाटता कामा नये लाज वाटायला  
पाहिजे ती दुर्गुणाची
नव्या बादलीतून पाणी गळत नाही ना याची खात्री होई पर्यंत जुनी  
बादली फेकून देऊ नये.
जीवनामध्ये निचित ध्येय नसते त्यालाच वेळ घालवण्यासाठी  
साधन शोधण्याची गरज भासते.
युद्धाची खरी भयानकता त्यात माणसे मरतात हि नसून माणूस 
माणसाला मारायला तयार होतो हि आहे.
झोप आली असताना जो झोपी जात नाही आणि झोप येत असताना 
जो जागा राहतो असा मनुष्य हा भूतालावावर एकमात्र प्राणी आहे.

The Best Indian Recipes

 This selection of Indian recipes will fill your kitchen with appetizing aromas & enticing flavors. Indian cuisine is presented with step-by-step instructions, photographs of key stages of preparation and helpful tips to help you create the finest Indian food. There are recipes for soups, appetizers, meat, fish, vegetarian courses and delightful desserts. This cookbook has a covered spiral binding which allows the book to open flat to the recipe of your choice.

Bonsai Pictures

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Mirror (Rapidshare)

Lenovo Mobile

Leovo plans to focus on promoting mobile Internet and sales in emerging economies

THE LAWS of Lifetime Growth

LAW ONE: Always make your future bigger than your past. Find out more
LAW TWO: Always make your learning greater than your experience. Find out more
LAW THREE: Always make your contribution bigger than your reward. Find out more
LAW FOUR: Always make your performance greater than your applause. Find out more
LAW FIVE: Always make your gratitude greater than your success. Find out more
LAW SIX: Always make your enjoyment greater than your effort. Find out more
LAW SEVEN: Always make your cooperation greater than your status. Find out more
LAW EIGHT: Always make your confidence greater than your comfort. Find out more
LAW NINE: Always make your purpose greater than your money. Find out more
LAW TEN: Always make your questions bigger than your answers. Find out more

Emotions Control

      1. Caution. - Excitement (and fear of missing an opportunity) often persuade us to enter the market before it is safe to do so. After a down-trend a number of rallies may fail before one eventually carries through. Likewise, the emotional high of a profitable trade may blind us to signs that the trend is reversing. 2. Patience. - Wait for the right market conditions before trading. There are times when it is wise to stay out of the market and observe from the sidelines. 3. Conviction. - Have the courage of your convictions: Take steps to protect your profits when you see that a trend is weakening, but sit tight and don’t let fear of losing part of your profit cloud your judgment. There is a good chance that the trend will resume its upward climb. 4. Detachment. - Concentrate on the technical aspects rather than on the money. If your trades are technically correct, the profits will follow. Stay emotionally detached from the market. Avoid getting caught up in the short-term excitement. Screen-watching is a tell-tale sign: if you continually check prices or stare at charts for hours it is a sign that you are unsure of your strategy and are likely to suffer losses. 5. Focus - on the longer time frames and do not try to catch every short-term fluctuation. The most profitable trades are in catching the large trends. 6. Expect the unexpected.- Investing involves dealing with probabilities – not certainties. No one can predict the market correctly every time. Avoid gamblers’ logic. 7. Average up – not down. If you increase your position when price goes against you, you are liable to compound your losses. When price starts to move it is likely to continue in that direction. Rather increase your exposure when the market proves you right and moves in your favor. 8. Limit your losses. - Use stop loss orders to protect your funds. When the stop loss is triggered, act immediately – don’t hesitate. The biggest mistake you can make is to hold on to falling stocks, hoping for a recovery. Falling stocks have a habit of declining way below what you expected them to. Eventually you are forced to sell, decimating your capital. Human nature being what it is, most traders and investors ignore these rules when they first start out. It can be an expensive lesson. Control your emotions and avoid being swept along with the crowd. Make consistent decisions based on sound technical analysis. These guidelines should be internalized and if you are uncertain of which way to turn with a particular trade, re-read these statements and your answer should become clear.

INDIAN PREMIER LEAGUE - IPL 2010 The big opening match

The big opening match-  All the top stars would like to start off in style & win it for their team. Playing in India again should be a good test for the international stars & fans in India are keenly looking forward to that. Here’s to a tournament that exceeds all expectations. Cheers!  A win would be nice to cheer up the guys & get them excited for the rest of the tournament.

Womens Day

Welcome to 101 Womens Day. International Women's Day is all about the celebration of being a woman. On this occasion, reach out to all the women you admire and who have achieved success in their own way  



Tally ERP 9

Tally ERP 9 Gold Multiuser
File Size: 19.6 MB | Platform: Windows | RS Link |

Advantages of Tally.ERP 9:

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• Easy to find qualified personnel
• Easy to customize
• Low cost of ownership via quick implementation, Tally Integrator, Support Center…

You bank and pay utility bills from home, why not do your business accounts? Or call up a stock status report and print a copy from wherever you are? Tally.ERP 9 has been designed with you in mind. Powerful connectivity makes information available with your staff, CA and other professionals, round-the-clock, in any place. It's also quick to install and allows incremental implementation-a novel capability that lets you activate just as many of its functions when required, even across locations.

At Tally, we have a hard-earned reputation for empowering businesses with stable, effective software products and Tally.ERP 9 takes this further. Tally.ERP 9 has all the features required for high-performance business management including remote access, audit & compliance services, an integrated support center and security management, all focused on delivering peace of mind. It is a complete product that retains its original simplicity yet offers evolved capabilities like statutory processes, payroll, excise etc. Whatever the demands, Tally.ERP 9 makes life a lot easier. With an ideal combination of function, control and customisability built in, Tally.ERP 9 permits business owners and their associates to do more.

Download Link :

आपले स्वागत आहे

सप्रेम नमस्कार

 लिहिण्यास कारण की समस्त नातेवाईक, मित्रपरिवाराच्या आग्रहाखातर आम्ही आमचे नवीन संकेत स्थळ  आपल्या समोर सहर्ष  सादर करीत आहोत. जगातील कोणत्याही विषयावर आमची मते विचार प्रश्न  उत्तरे येथे लिहू शकू हि आनंदाची बाब आहे. आपण कुठलीही माहिती विचारा, उदारणार्थ अकौंट सोफ्तवेअर , शेअर्स  स्टोक ट्रेडिंग  टिप्स, आनलाइन संगीत सिनेमा खेळ, भविष्य इत्यादी.  कारण ब्लाग ही  आपल्या हक्काची मालमत्ता असल्यमुळे, आम्हाला जे वाटते ते बोलायला आम्ही मोकळे आणि समर्थ आहोत. आपण आमच्या ह्या ब्लागवर नियमित येणे करावे ही आग्रहाची विनंती. 

आपला, आभारी 

All Is Well

|| Shri Swami Samarth ||


Welcome to the blog dedicated to all of you I start the new blog which will give immense info all about tally accounts, insurance, stock trading tips, analysis software’s, music movie games, astrology, finance, marketing, For any guidance, you can contact me on my email address mentioned on the below.

Thanks and Best wishes,