For Your Eyes Only

For Your Eyes Only
एकेक रेषा जोडत सुष्टी सुरेख रूप घेते आणि आपल्यासाठी मूक मार्गदर्शन करते. वेगाने ध्येयाकडे झेपावण्यासाठी प्रोत्साहन देण्याच किती विलक्षण सामर्थ्य आहे या रेषात !

My Way

World’s first international school......

Ylva-Maria Thompson has opened the world’s first international sex school for teaching the art of being better lovers, the Daily Mail reported. While many people may think it’s an activity which should be best learned behind closed doors, an enterprising Swedish schoolmistress thinks otherwise.

School’s spokesperson exuded confidence that the school would be a great success. The school, however, has already turned controversial in Austria with it raunchy advertisements showing a couple making love having already invited ban by Austrian TV.

The Austrian International Sex School in Vienna offers ‘hands on’ lessons in seduction for 1,400 pounds a term. The ‘headmistress’ says anyone over the age of 16 can enrol at ‘the world’s first college of applied sexuality’.

Students of the course are expected to stay in a co-ed dormitory block where they’re expected to practice their ‘homework’. By the end of their course, they are awarded a qualification. The school head said: ‘Our core education is not theoretical, but very practical. The emphasis is on how to be a better lover.
‘Sexual positions, caressing techniques, anatomical features. And we teach people hands on.’

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A wedding is a day to remember for any woman and it is one of the happiest moments in life. Another time that is great is having a baby and some woman experience the two at the same time. Luckily for these women, dress designers make maternity wedding dresses for the soon to be mommy and soon to be bride. There are many options to choose from depending on certain factors which will help pick the best wedding dress for the special day.
The main consideration to factor in is how far along in the pregnancy you are. If you are in the beginning or towards the middle, you can usually buy a size a little larger and it would be fine. If you have considerable size added, it is best to talk to a tailor and see what is the best material that can be altered quickly. There are many styles to choose from for a maternity wedding dress and you can be assured that you will look fabulous and beautiful on the special day.
There are some styles that are better than other depending on your personal body type. Some women gain more weight in their legs so a good option would be a dress that is longer and covers up the arms. Although no matter what body type, for pregnant woman it is never good to get a ball gown type of dress because it will make the body appear much more round and bigger. For a women who gains size on the arms and back, a strapless dress wouldn't be the most ideal option, but something with sleeves would be great. And sleeved dresses such as lace sleeved dresses are very popular and are a classic, timeless look.
For women who are in the initial stages of pregnancy, a popular thing that women do is buy a plus size wedding dress. Since the stomach will not be very large but overall you will be slightly bigger a plus size dress is another option instead of going a size bigger. There are many options to choose for the soon to be mother and soon to be wife. The best thing is to find what is going to be best suitable for your own body and not worry about the latest trends and fads. Finding something to accentuate your good points is the key for a perfect wedding dress.


Anna Hazare Protests Against Corruption

Anna Hazare, who led India's largest street protests against corruption in decades, said on Tuesday he plans a hunger strike against the ruling Congress party during state elections in Uttar Pradesh next year if the anti-graft Jan Lokpal Billis not quickly passed. Millions of mainly middle class Indians supported a near two-week fast in August by veteran self-styled Gandhian campaigner, forcing the centre-left government to bow to many of his demands for tougher laws to fight graft.
The 74-year-old Hazare said he would campaign against Congress before the polls in Uttar Pradesh if the government does not approve his anti-graft proposals. The state elections are a stepping-stone before the general election in 2014 and a major test for possible prime  ministerial candidate Rahul Gandhi, the emerging leader from India's most famous family dynasty who is personally leading the Uttar Pradesh vote campaign.
After his last hunger strike, the government partially agreed to Hazare's demand that an anti-corruption agency should have the power to investigate the prime minister, judges and civil servants.

In India Danger of collapsing Taj Mahal.

The Taj Mahal will collapse within five years unless urgent action is taken to fix its rotting foundations, campaigners warn. The 358-year-old marble mausoleum is India's most famous tourist attraction, bringing four million visitors a year to the northern city of Agra. But the river crucial to its survival is being blighted by pollution, industry and deforestation. Campaigners believe the foundations have become brittle and are disintegrating. Cracks appeared last year in parts of the tomb, and the four minarets, which surround the monument, are showing signs of tilting.
The Taj Mahal was built by Mogul emperor Shah Jahan, who was grief-stricken by the death of his wife Mumtaz Mahal in childbirth. A campaign group of historians, environmentalists and politicians say time is running out to prevent a 'looming crisis'.
"If the crisis is not tackled on a war-footing, the Taj Mahal will cave in between two and five years," the Daily Mail quoted Ramshankar Katheria, the MP for Agra who is leading the campaign, as saying. "The architectural wonder of the world is losing its shine, and if this persists the minarets may also collapse since the wooden foundation - beneath the wells - is rotting due to lack of water. 
"No one has been allowed to go into the foundations for the last three decades. If everything is fine, what have they got to hide?" Professor Ram Nath, a historian who is one of the world's leading authorities on the Taj, said: "The Taj stands just on the edge of the river Yamuna which has now dried up. "This was never anticipated by its builders. The river is a constituent of its architectural design and if the river dies, the Taj cannot survive," 

Microsoft CEO

Microsoft Corp Chief Executive Ballmer, 55, got a bonus of $682,500 for the latest fiscal year, matching his annual salary, according to a filing with securities regulators on Monday. Under his bonus scheme, he was eligible to receive between zero and double his salary. The long-time CEO, who took over from Bill Gates in 2000, has been a lightning rod for criticism of the former technology leader's static share price. One prominent shareholder called for his ouster this year, but he shows no signs of stepping down.
Last year, Ballmer also received a bonus equaling his salary, and was faulted for the failure of the Kin phone and keeping up with new forms of computing.Microsoft's latest filing said Ballmer's performance review for fiscal 2011 -- which ended June 30 -- took into account lower than expected sales of Windows Phone 7 software and "the need for further progress in new form factors," a reference to Microsoft's inability to counter runaway sales of Apple Inc's iPad.
Ballmer has long requested that he receive no stock compensation, which might otherwise boost his pay packet. He already owns 3.95 percent of the company's shares and is the 33rd richest person in the world with a fortune of $14.5 billion, according to Forbes.
Overall, Ballmer's compensation rose only about 2 percent from last year to $1.38 million, making him one of the lowest-paid leaders of a major U.S. company.
Microsoft's filing pegs Ballmer's maximum possible compensation -- if he had received twice his salary in bonus -- at about $2 million, compared to an average of $15.8 million for CEOs of peer companies. In the filing, Microsoft said its board believes Ballmer is "underpaid for his role and performance," but accepted his request to receive no stock.

All about Jan Lokpal Bill (जन लोकपाल विधेयक)

All about Jan Lokpal Bill (जन लोकपाल विधेयक)

The Jan Lokpal Bill (Hindi: जन लोकपाल विधेयक), also referred to as the citizens' ombudsman bill, is a proposed anti-corruption law in India. It was proposed by anti-corruption social activists as a more effective improvement to the original Lokpal bill which is currently being proposed by the the Government of India[1]. The prefix Jan (translation: citizens) was added to signify the fact that these improvements include inputs provided by the ordinary citizens through a activist driven non-governmental public consultation[2][3].

The Jan Lokpal Bill aims to effectively deter corruption, redress grievances of citizens and protect whistle-blowers. If made into into law, the bill seeks to create an independent ombudsman body similar to the Election Commission of India called the Lokpal (Sanskrit: protector of the people). It will be empowered to register and investigate complaints of corruption against politicians and bureaucrats without prior government approval[4]. First introduced in 1968[5], the bill has failed to become law for over four decades.[6]

In 2011, Gandhian rights activist Anna Hazare started a Satyagraha movement by commencing a fast unto death in New Delhi to demand the passing of the bill. The movement attracted attention in the media, and thousands of supporters. Following Hazare's four day hunger strike, the Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh stated that the bill would be re-introduced in the 2011 monsoon session of the Parliament[7].

Accordingly, a committee of five Cabinet Ministers and five social activists attempted to draft a compromise bill merging both the version but failed. The Indian government went on to propose its own version in the parliament, which the activists reject on the grounds of not being sufficiently effective[8].

The Lokpal bill was first introduced by Shanti Bhushan in 1968[5] and passed in the 4th Lok Sabha in 1969. But it did not get through in the Rajya Sabha, the upper house of the Parliament of India. Subsequent versions were re-introduced in 1971, 1977, 1985, 1989, 1996, 1998, 2001, 2005 and in 2008,[9] but none of them passed.

Renewed calls for the bill arose over resentment of the major differences between the draft 2010 Lokpal Bill prepared by the government and that prepared by the members of the associated activists movement — N. Santosh Hegde, a former justice of the Supreme Court of India; Lokayukta of Karnataka; Shanti Bhushan; Arvind Kejriwal; Prashant Bhushan, a senior lawyer in the Supreme Court; and members of the India Against Corruption movement[2].

The bill's supporters consider existing laws too weak, full of contradictions and insufficiently empowered to combat corruption.[10][11] On the other hand, critics of the Jan Lokpal Bill argue that the bill attempts to supercede existing constitutional bodies and attempts to create a super-institution with sweeping powers, which can be dangerous for the future of democracy.[12]

Key features of proposed bill
Some important features of the proposed bill are:[2]

To establish a central government anti-corruption institution called Lokpal, supported by Lokayukta at the state level.
As in the case of the Supreme Court and Cabinet Secretariat, the Lokpal will be supervised by the Cabinet Secretary and the Election Commission. As a result, it will be completely independent of the government and free from ministerial influence in its investigations.
Members will be appointed by judges, Indian Administrative Service officers with a clean record, private citizens and constitutional authorities through a transparent and participatory process.
A selection committee will invite shortlisted candidates for interviews, videorecordings of which will thereafter be made public.
Every month on its website, the Lokayukta will publish a list of cases dealt with, brief details of each, their outcome and any action taken or proposed. It will also publish lists of all cases received by the Lokayukta during the previous month, cases dealt with and those which are pending.
Investigations of each case must be completed in one year. Any resulting trials should be concluded in the following year, giving a total maximum process time of two years.
Losses caused to the government by a corrupt individual will be recovered at the time of conviction.
Government officework required by a citizen that is not completed within a prescribed time period will result in Lokpal imposing financial penalties on those responsible, which will then be given as compensation to the complainant.
Complaints against any officer of Lokpal will be investigated and completed within a month and, if found to be substantive, will result in the officer being dismissed within two months.
The existing anti-corruption agencies (CVC, departmental vigilance and the anti-corruption branch of the CBI) will be merged into Lokpal which will have complete power and authority to independently investigate and prosecute any officer, judge or politician.
Whistleblowers who alert the agency to potential corruption cases will also be provided with protection by it.

Rudraksha Uses

Rudraksha beads are considered to calm down the mind of the wearer and it also helps the wearer to keep his body in perfect semblance. The holistic effects and the medicinal values of Rudraksha find special mention in the Ayurveda (the divine book for health). It is also considered to have anti-bacterial properties that keep the harmful bacteria at bay. It also helps in frequent headaches, cold and cough. Paralyzed people or women, who were not able to conceive, have also reported to gain benefits after wearing the Rudraksha. If the rosary made from Rudraksha is included in chanting the specific mantra then it helps the concerned person to get rid of his sins of previous as well as the present life. The specific advantages also depend on the type of Rudraksha.

Rules for Wearing
It has been established that Rudraksha, if worn properly, can bestow the wearer with peaceful, healthy, wealthy and successful life. In fact, its intensity is considered to be far greater that that of any mantra, tantra or yantra. The wearer must take care of the following thins.
The perfect day for wearing the Rudraksha is either Monday or Thursday. Also, it must be worn after being energized (Siddhi) through the respective mantra depending on the type of Rudraksha. It must also be washed with unboiled milk and pure water of River Ganges.
One must remove the Rudraksha while going to sleep and the Rudraksha Mantraalong with theRudrakshaBeej Mantra must be chanted 9 times before wearing or removing.
One must never touch the Rudraksha before taking bath.
One must not consume non-vegetarian food items or alcohol while wearing the Rudraksha bead.
One must remove Rudraksha while going to crematorium, funeral or place where a baby has just taken birth.
One must never wear Rudraksha while having sex and women should not wear it during their menstruation cycle.

The rudraksha beads should be cleaned periodically with sacred water of River Ganges. After cleaning, oil should be applied to these beads and it must be prayed by lighting the incense sticks.
Rudraksha beads having crack near the central hole should not be worn.
If you develop rashes or other kind of allergic effects then you must not wear it.

Software Downloads Malicious: Report Microsoft

Microsoft warned that hackers use mind tricks more often than software skills to get viruses into computers. 
Feedback from globally popular Internet Explorer (IE) Web browser indicated that one of every 14 programs downloaded turned out to be malicious code, according to the US software titan. 
"Social-engineering attacks, like tricking a user into running a malicious program, are far more common than attacks on security vulnerabilities," Micrsoft SmartScreen program manager said 
"SmartScreen" technology has blocked more than 1.5 billion attempts to slip "malware" into computers since version IE8 was released in March of 2009, according to Microsoft. 
"User-downloaded malware is a huge problem and getting bigger,"
Microsoft's latest version of the browser, IE9, checks reputations of websites and their creators to let Internet users know when they are dealing with unknown characters online. 
"Most people would be cautious about buying something online from a complete stranger,

"Using reputation software helps protect users from newly released malware programs -- pretending to be legitimate software programs -- that are not yet detected by existing defense mechanisms," he added. 

Make Money by Online Surveys in India: Reliable or Just A Joke

These days people are looking to make money easy way. Some people think making money online is easier than offline. But my experience says online money making is not easy in any medium without hard work until you do something illegal.
I am effectively related to internet since 3 years and I have seen hundreds of website boasting to make money online easy way but when you go you will see they ask you money instead of let you earn.
Online money making by ad posting jobs is still in demand and many students think it is an easy way to get pocket money just two hours work daily.
But what about 20 minutes weekly? Or something very similar. Now its time for online surveys. You see any concept in India is never new if it needs any technical knowledge. You see network marketing in India is American concept. Online surveys are years old but in India it is hot and selling like Bhaji Pav.

The company Speakasiaonline is very popular in India, I checked the domain info it is one year and 3 months old (creation date: 21-jan-2010, it Alexa rank is 1800, this is is the sign how much people are interested in online surveys because you have to work just 20 minutes in a week. Amit Agrawal, our Indian blogger posted an insightful post but I do not know what happened and the post was no more on Labnol.

One thing is sure people are looking for side income and without any hard work. Concept is simple, in the world all the companies wants survey about their products before pre launch and wants opinions or how is a product working for general people. So the companies can make better products so they will pay you as much as Rs. 4000 for just 20 minutes in a week, you need computer and internet connection you can do it in any cyber cafe. To become a member in SpeakAsiaOnline you have to pay Rs. 11000. You will get paid every month Rs 4000 for next 12 months.

I believe this is not going to last longer. When you pay 11000 thousand, you would not get paid in first month. When you join many people join behind you and they all pay Rs. 11000. Just imagine if people stop sign up for this company for only four months what will happen?

No doubt many people are making good amount of income with this company but why they pay for only next 12 month if they are paying you just for surveys? Why they ask 11000 if they pay you for surveys? Why you can do only one survey in a week? Comes in to my mind, I am not a member in SAO but many of people I am familiar with have joined SpeakAsiaOnline. There is an answer for why they pay you 4000 rupees every month because people signup for this website. They can give you or me all the answer for questions by saying about costs but some answers can’t be given by a simple text or speech because we have to wait for them. If this company keeps running for next two years in India ( it’s outsider) then it can be legit or genuine.
his article is not for SpeakAsiaOnline but yesterday I listened about an other online survey site in India that is Ramsurvey. That is also getting popular, you have to pay only Rs. 3500. You pay 500 for joining and 3000 for subscribing E-Magazine. You can join this company by paying just 500 hundred but you have to upgrade it in future by paying 3000 then you will start getting surveys. For every topic they will pay you 5 reward points and every week you get two topics. So every week you get 500 for 44 weeks or nine months, this is 22000 rupees. You also get 250 for each referred member. They also pay you 500 per pair. So you get three types of income; survey income, referral income and binary income.

These survey sites are creating hype the same way it was in America.
http: // techshali com

ISRO's rocket launched successfully

The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) was successfully launched from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre at Sriharikota on Wednesday.  The Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) is carrying remote sensing satellite Resourcesat-2 and two mini spacecraft. The launch vehicle will place in the polar sun synchronous orbit, the 1206-kg Resourcesat-2, 92-kg Youthsat and 106-kg X-sat satellites 822 km above Earth.

The mission's primary satellite, ISRO built Resourcesat-2, is an advanced remote sensing spacecraft to facilitate the study and management of natural resources.  
The Resourcesat-2 with a five year space life will also carry an additional payload from Comdev, Canada that will provide information on ship surveillance by making 14 orbits per day, ISRO said.

Youthsat, a joint Indo-Russian satellite for stellar and atmospheric studies, will study the 
 relationship between solar variability and thermosphere-ionosphere changes.The satellite with two-year life will carry two Indian and one Russian payload.

IPL Brands

Shri Ram

Today, April 12, 2011 is Ram Navami – the birthday of Sri Ram. 

Sri Ram, an incarnation of Lord Vishnu, is known as Maryada Purushottam and he incarnated on the earth to annihilate Ravana and fellow demons and restore Dharma. 


Kolkata Knight Riders

IPL Celebrities

Kings XI Punjab

Your Financial Adviser Expectations ??

Registered Investment Advisers (RIAs) must abide by a fiduciary duty, making decisions about your investments based on what's in your best interests, not his. An adviser makes sure your investments remain in your best interests.
A good adviser doesn't wait for you to call; he will reach out at least two times annually. And, when you leave a message, he should return your call within one business day.
Many advisers are paid by investment companies for recommending certain products. That compensation can take on many forms, but if an adviser is receiving compensation to sell one company's products over another, how can you be sure those investments are best for you?
An adviser should be able to explain an investment strategy in a way you understand. And if you still don't understand, it's a good idea to find another adviser to work with.
The reason you print out driving directions from Map quest or Google Maps is because you need to know exactly how to get to your destination. No one likes to get lost. Likewise, your adviser should provide an investment road map in a written document, with a list of investments and asset allocations. If your plan changes, you should receive an updated version
Some advisers might specialize in stocks, bonds, or estate planning. Others might have a license to sell insurance policies.
MANY PEOPLE HIRE A FEE-BASED ADVISER to help with their investments. Before you do, it's important to ask the right questions. It's also important that the adviser asks you the right questions.

Budget 2011-12

The Union Budget 201-12 does not have too many radical proposals and it seeks to strike a balance between growth and populism with its proclaimed intent to bring down the fiscal deficit. Overall, it can be said to be a budget for the long-term investor.
In the following analysis, Relax with Tax has tried to squeeze out the useful information -- from the Budget Speech delivered by Finance Minister -- that is relevant to you in terms of personal taxation and finance.
1. Finance minister seems to tell the taxpayer 'Keep the change': Income Tax slab increased (though a very small increase) for Resident Males, Non-Residents and Senior Citizens.
2. FM seemingly sings 'Dil toh Bachha hai ji': Qualifying age limit for Senior Citizen, lowered from 65 years to 60 years.
3. FM's gift to the 'young at heart': Provision of higher exemption limit for very senior citizen's of 80 years or more.
4. FM aims at 'equality for women': No new tax exemptions for women.
5. FM 'means business': New Central Processing Centers to be set up for faster processing of income tax returns and refunds.
6. FM says Khana phir Rona: Air-conditioned hotel accommodation and restaurants to attract levy service tax.
7. FM's taxes fly high: Domestic and international air travel to attract flat amount of service tax. Additionally, higher class travel in the domestic sector to attract 10 per cent service tax.
8. FM's 'bitter pill': Hospitals with 25 beds or more with central air-conditioning to levy service tax on all patients. Diagnostic test centers also to levy service tax.
9. FM believes 'Taxes, life ke saath bhi aur bhaad bhi': Services provided by life insurance companies in the area of investments also to be covered under the levy of service tax.
10. FM's Sugam, hopefully will be good: New simplified Income Tax return form 'Sugam' to be introduced for small businessmen.
11. FM, a little less "Dabaang": Relief from audit for small service taxpayers with turnover lower than Rs 60 lakh (Rs 6 million).



Salary earners having an income of less than Rs 5 lakhs will not have to file tax returns from this year, a finance ministry official said. "Salaried people may be up to Rs 5 lakh. (Figure yet not confirmed) They need not file the (income tax) return," CBDT chairman told reporters at the customary post-Budget press conference.
The exemption from filing tax returns comes into effect from the assessment year 11-12.

In case such a salary earner has income from other sources like dividend, interest etc. and does not want to file returns, he will have to disclose such income to his employer for tax deduction, he said. The government, he said, is working out a scheme and will notify it "very soon". The Form 16 issued to salaried employees will be treated as Income Tax Return, he added. Read Memorandum on Budget clause in Finance Bill

Exemption to a class or classes of persons from furnishing a return of income under the existing provisions contained in section 139(1) of the Income-tax Act, every person, if his total income during the previous year exceeds the maximum amount which is not chargeable to income-tax, is required to furnish a return of his income. In the case of salaried tax payer, entire tax liability is discharged by the employer through deduction of tax at source. Complete details of such tax payers are also reported by the employer through Tax Deduction at Source (TDS) statements. Therefore, in cases where there is no other source of income, filing of a return is a duplication of existing information. In order to reduce the compliance burden on small tax payer, it is proposed to insert sub-section (1C) in section 139. This provision empowers the Central Government to exempt, by notification in the Official Gazette, any class or classes of persons from the requirement of furnishing a return of income, having regard to such conditions as may be specified in that notification. Consequential amendments are also proposed to be made to the provisions of section 296 to provide that any notification issued under section 139(1C) shall be laid before Parliament. 


Bill Gates, Buffet in India.

Their visits, though, have one common thread: Getting India's rich to pledge a decent portion of their wealth toward philanthropy on the lines of what they have themselves done. Last year, they had undertaken a visit with the same objective.

'We are not here to pressure anybody. Everybody has his or her own understanding of philanthropy,' Buffett had said in Bangalore Wednesday. 'We will be talking to Indian billionaires about our philanthropic activities and find out what they are doing.'

While Gates, along with his wife Melinda arrived here from Bihar, where they reviewed the progress of their non-profit foundation's health initiatives, their mentor Buffett, on his maiden visit to India, landed from Bangalore after a series of meetings.

The Forbes list has placed Gates, 55, the second on its list with a net worth of $56 billion, while Buffett, 80, was ranked next with $50 billion. Both arrived in the Indian capital Thursday to a packed schedule that mainly concentrates on their philanthropic efforts.

More Effective Chinese Medicine Against Severe Malaria

Severe malaria occurs when the disease affects the function of vital organs. It is associated with rarer cerebral malaria, which affects the brain and can lead to long-term disability. Artesunate was recommended as the preferred treatment for adults with severe malaria by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2006, but there was insufficient evidence at the time to recommend a change from the standard treatment of quinine in children. According to the results, taking artesunate reduces the risk of death by 39 percent in adults and 24percent in children compared to quinine. Scientists have found that antimalarial drug artesunate, which is derived from herbs used in Chinese medicine, is more effective than quinine at preventing death in patients with severe malaria.

India can meet Pakistan

In World Cup semifinals no World Cup is complete without an India-Pakistan clash and India's win over the West Indies may have just paved the way for this mother of contests in the semifinal. For that to happen, of course, India must first beat Australia in their quarterfinal match in Ahmedabad on March 24 while Pakistan will have to defeat the West Indies in Mirpur on March 23. In the other quarterfinals, Sri Lanka will take on England in Colombo while Mirpur will host the South Africa-New Zealand clash.

'Agar harenge to pata hain humein kya hone walah hain!' (If we lose we know what's in store). Yuvraj Singh was laughing when he said that. But he gave the impression along the course of a media conference after the match on Sunday that he was fighting a battle for the team against the Indian media.

"Don't you think you are not practising enough?" somebody asked him the question and that added fuel to the fire. "We know our bodies, we know how to go about it...It's the media that is saying we are not practising. It's your problem, not ours," it seemed that Yuvraj was carrying the mood of his batting to the press conference room.

The left-hander looked relieved that he has delivered the goods just when it mattered. This was his first international century after a gap of two years and he wants to take the good form into the quarterfinal against Australia. "Obviously, I am feeling good about it...Wickets, runs...I think it's all going well," Yuvi's answers were short, crisp and incisive.

Should We Laugh Or Cry??

Should we laugh or cry

The Wikileaks cables will not most probably be accepted by a court of law. But they will be accepted by large sections of the people of this country as indicating how rotten the State of India has become.

We have had instances of political bribery in the past too.

But those who committed bribery in the past to distort the democratic process understood they were committing a shameful act.

Those who have committed bribery under your watch as the Prime Minister of this great country, which held its head high as the land of Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru, did not show the least sign of shame over what they were doing.

WikiLeaks disclosure

The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Thursday demanded resignation from Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in the wake of the latest WikiLeaks revelations of leaked US diplomatic cables that payoffs had been made to MPs to win a crucial vote of confidence on the civil nuclear deal with the US in 2008. The Wiki revelations rocked both the Houses of Parliament soon after the session started as the main opposition party BJP and the Left sought an explanation from the government over the issue.

Raising the issue in the Lok Sabha, Leader of Opposition Sushma Swaraj sought Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s resignation. She said the UPA government had lost the moral right to rule the country. “The prime minister should come in the House and announce his resignation. This government has lost the moral right to govern,” she said.

BJP’s ally Shiv Sena also demanded the prime minister’s resignation. Party leader Manohar Joshi said, “The allegation has shamed the country. The prime minister must resign.” Samajwadi Party leader Mulayam Singh Yadav said WikiLeaks exposure should be investigated thoroughly. Leader of Opposition in Rajya Sabha Arun Jaitley said the government had lost the right to stay in the office even for a minute.

The Congress members objected to the Opposition’s demand and started slogan shouting. Following an uproar, both the Houses were adjourned till 12 noon. WikiLeaks on Wednesday revealed that a 2008 cable from a US diplomat had said that they were told by an aide of Congress leader Satish Sharma that four MPs from Ajit Singh’s party Rashtriya Lok Dal (RLD) were paid Rs 10 crore each by the main ruling party. The prime minister had won his vote by a delicate margin.


Aay dost tum bhi ajeeb ho.
Meray dil k kitnay qareeb ho.
Na miltay ho na SMS kertay ho.
kia tum mujh say bhi ziyadah gharib ho.

Dil jis ko diya wo Delhi chali gayi,
Pyar jis se kia wo Italy chali gayi,
Dil ne kahan khudkushi karlo,
Hath switch main diya to Bijli chali gayi.

When v both think of each other,
Do u knw what it means ?
It means v both have no work to do!!

Ya Allah
Ya Rehman
Ya Raheem
Daro mat Kisi ko 4wd nai kerna Khud hi padh lo…
Shaap mile ga Paaapi Insaan.

Jab kanjusi ka oskar diya jayega
tab tumhar naam sabse aage hoga
galti se ek sms bhi mat karna
warna oskar kisi aur ko chala jayega.

Ae khuda mere is dost ko
Hathi ki takat
Sher ki awaz
Chetay ki speed
Or Hiran sa sundar roop de.
Baki KHOTAY ka DIMAGH to is k pass hy hi.

U will be a ROSE for all TREES
U will be a SMILE
for all FACES
U will be WATER FALLS for all HILLS
U will be a BROTHER
for all CUTE GIRLS.

Hr us dilse pyar kro jo tumhe dard de. pr us dilko dard nado jo tumhe pyar kre. 
kyunki aap duniya k liye 1ho pr kisi 1k liye aap duniya ho..